gypsy sleep.

when i was a kid and i'd go stay with my dad, i used to meet people who lived in house buses...though in my romantic imagination
they were gypsy made a big impression on me. i still remember these beautiful women -one half indian, black eyes and
john lennon glasses. and another with so much red hair. wild curls in the light.



j. said...

I would love to live in a Caravan. Just moving continuously and seeing ever changing landscapes. I dont think boredom will ever become an issue.

When I was younger, I did believe that one day I a group of gypsies would come and take me away. I havent given up hope just yet. But if that future does not happen, I suppose I'll settle for a house in the middle of a field or near the sea.


Sorry if Im dumping my fantasies on you.


Jazzy E (Hivenn) said...

I really want to live on a house boat. Stunning

misma andrews said...

valentine when i was younger i thought that one night a little blue portal of light would open up in my room and i would hop inside and be transported to some kind of fantasy land of magicians and knights and i would be some sort of girl hero with a sword and a horse - obviously i liked reading fantasy books as a kid!!

it was rather disappointing to grow older and realise that narnia only exists in our minds. i really really wanted such things to be real.

now my fantasies are for the closest you can get to that kind of fiction. the life of a gypsy. the indian in their teepee. the nymph in the woods.

but im the same as you. at the end of the day i would settle for a house in a field. a horse and a fox...a monkey and a bear... xx even those dreams seem so hard to reach...

hiven x oh houseboats kill me. when i was in amsterdam i ate a strawberry tart in the early yellow morning by a canal lined with boats.

that was a perfect moment.