the bones of a cow...

went down to the wilds of kaikoura few a few nights to stay with my dad. always does my heart good
to sit by his fireside. wander his garden. drink tea and eat smokey toast... he did take us on a  rather extreme
and un-leisurely 'easy' walk one day though, that put me in mind of those peole who go wandering 
too far in the bush, get stuck and die of hypothermia...

looks lovely in the pictures...but i nearly burst into tears at one point (4 hours) i was so cold and tired and numb from crossing wintery rivers up to my thighs...with only a silk shirt to keep me warm...with the sun heading lower and lower
and so many miles before home. stinging nettle and slipping down hillsides.
we crossed the bones of a cow, and kris said 'that'll be us!'...
...but every step took us closer to the promise of hot honeyed coffee and in the end we didn't die : )

naughty papa though. i shan't listen to a word of your easy walks next time!!


mitošinkovie said...

I like your country ,)

misma andrews said...

oh! i speak for my whole country when i say we also like you!!! dear one xx